
23 jump street full movie online
23 jump street full movie online

23 jump street full movie online

Everyone who's been to college can relate to those stereotypes (e.g. Like the first one, 22 Jump Street does a great job observing the different aspects of college life, students and teachers (or professors for that matter). I basically laughed from the first minute up to the (awesome!) end credits! If you like that type of comedy, this one is for you, as it delivers on point and, without a doubt, is the funniest flick this year so far! Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum have a great chemistry and you can see and feel, how they enjoyed doing this movie. The good thing about this flick is, that it doesn't take itself too seriously while at the same time delivering a good and fast paced story with quite some surprises and good action. It holds up to the expectations and plays cleverly with 'being aware' of making basically the same movie again. If you liked the first one, you're in for a treat.

23 jump street full movie online